置身于充滿(mǎn)機遇和挑戰、持續變革的偉大時(shí)代,在人類(lèi)社會(huì )步入“崇尚綠色生態(tài),追求自然健康”的21世紀,我和我睿智激情的綠都生物同仁們,始終秉承“綠色環(huán)保,濟世惠民”的崇高使命,始終致力于發(fā)展具有自主創(chuàng )新知識產(chǎn)權的民族動(dòng)物疫苗產(chǎn)業(yè),為社會(huì )奉獻品質(zhì)卓越和獨具創(chuàng )新價(jià)值的沈氏品牌產(chǎn)品,引領(lǐng)動(dòng)物保健,關(guān)愛(ài)人類(lèi)健康。 “人才是本、創(chuàng )新是魂、技術(shù)是根”是綠都生物持續發(fā)展的基石,高效的創(chuàng )新、營(yíng)銷(xiāo)與管理團隊是我們最大的財富?,F在的綠都生物,完善的法人治理結構、規范化的經(jīng)營(yíng)管理機制、雄厚的產(chǎn)品研發(fā)能力、健全的質(zhì)量管理體系、布局合理的市場(chǎng)營(yíng)銷(xiāo)網(wǎng)絡(luò ),使我們能夠更周到地為客戶(hù)服務(wù)。 “創(chuàng )新”是綠都生物的靈魂,持續的創(chuàng )新進(jìn)步是綠都生物發(fā)展的永恒動(dòng)力。集綠都生物全體同仁之智,聚社會(huì )各界同仁之力,全心全意地“為社會(huì )創(chuàng )造財富,為客戶(hù)創(chuàng )造價(jià)值,為員工創(chuàng )造機會(huì ),為股東創(chuàng )造效益”。我們的歷史使命是塑造一個(gè)現代知識學(xué)習型的企業(yè),一個(gè)具有國際競爭力的企業(yè),一個(gè)基業(yè)長(cháng)青健康節約型的企業(yè),一個(gè)富有社會(huì )責任感的企業(yè)。 “海內存知己,天涯若比鄰”。綠都生物的成長(cháng)和壯大,凝聚著(zhù)黨和政府的大力支持,凝聚著(zhù)廣大客戶(hù)和社會(huì )各界的關(guān)愛(ài)與幫助,凝聚著(zhù)全體綠都生物人的聰明才智和辛勤汗水。在此,我代表公司,向關(guān)心、支持、幫助綠都生物發(fā)展的黨和政府、廣大客戶(hù)、社會(huì )各界表示衷心的感謝!向為公司發(fā)展做出貢獻的全體員工致以崇高的敬意! 我們正置身于一個(gè)經(jīng)濟全球化迅猛發(fā)展、世界日益融為一體的時(shí)代,倡導綠色科技和環(huán)保理念,鑄造中華民族動(dòng)物疫苗工業(yè)的脊梁,努力成為全球有影響的疫苗制造供應商,打造“國際化”的新綠都,是綠都生物人孜孜以求的戰略目標,精誠團結的綠都生物人將為之而不懈奮斗!
Place full of opportunities and challenges in continuing the great era of change in human society is entering the "green advocates, the pursuit of natural health" of the 21st century, our Lvdu colleagues are always adhering to the "green environmental protection, serve the community" noble mission, and has always been committed to the development of independent innovation of intellectual property rights of national animal vaccine industry, dedication branded products Shen to the community with high-quality and innovative value, leading animal and human health care. The lvdu biology company focuses on people, innovation and technology. They are the foundation of our company's continuous development. Besides, high efficiency of innovation as well as marketing strategy and teamwork is the valuable character of our company. Today, we develop complete cooperate management system and normal marketing strategy. In addition, we also have efficient research and development department, complete quantity control system, and proper marketing network as well. So we are confident to provide our customers better service with all our advancements above. Innovation, the spirit of Lvdu, is the continuous motion for the development of Lvdu.Combining the wisdoms in our company and supports from the society, we create wealth for the society, values for the clients, opportunities for our employees and benefits for the stockholders. Our historic mission is to establish a company that is auto-learning for new knowledge and strongly competitive in the international financial platform, and to construct a company that is economical based on the sound development and responsible for our people and society. “Sea memory friend, the End of the World Zorpia”. Growth and expansion of the company, depends on support of the party and the government, a large number of customers, and the intelligence and hard sweat of all staff of the company. Here, I on behalf of the company, to the concern, support, and help from the Party and the government, the majority of customers, the community to express my heartfelt thanks! To all employees contributing to the development of the company pay tribute! We are actually evolved in a rapid development of economic globalization, to advocate the concept of green technology and environmental protection, strive to become the backbone of Chinese animal vaccines industry and the world's influential suppliers of vaccine manufacturers. Our targets is to create an ‘international’enterprise, and our solidaric staff will make unremitting efforts!
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